On a hillside next to the Oršić Castle in Gornja Stubica, overlooking the Stubica valley, stands a 6.5 m high statue of Matija Gubec, with two symmetrical wings raising behind it – each 20 m long and 7.5 m high and decorated with bronze reliefs portraying over three hundred characters. On one side there are scenes from the Battle of Stubica - people, horses and the clash of the aristocratic army and rebelled peasants, while on the other side there is a panorama of life at that time. At the bottom of the right wing there is a life-size character of Petrica Kerempuh, holding a tambura in his hands.
The author of the monument is Antun Augustinčić and it was completed for the 4th centenary of the Peasants’ Revolt, on the opening day of the Peasants’ Revolt Museum in 1973.