
The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Gornja Stubica

The Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in remembrance of the former roadside chapel of the Heart of Jesus, which was built opposite the parish church in 1920 and demolished in 1971. The present chapel was built just a bit further down the road. Its side wall bears a built-in memorial plate from the demolished chapel. During the digging of the chapel’s foundations, human bones were found, confirming that an old parish graveyard existed here. The dimensions of the chapel are 2.60 x 2.60 m and it was built in 2002 on parish grounds according to plans by architect Tomislav Premerl, while the construction was supervised by engineer Vladimir Breber from Donja Stubica. It was blessed on July 7th 2002 by the first Apostolic Nuncio to the Republic of Croatia, the archbishop Giulio Einaudi. The chapel serves as a station during parish processions.

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